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Democratize location intelligence

citypulsio© started from a proof of concept on manipulating geo spatial data based from micro mobility data. Before we discovered that data could be used to get the tempo of cities all over the world.

Since then citypulsio© thrives to bring meaningful and respectful data to address the challenges of the 21st century by collecting, enriching and serving geo spatial and temporal data for people across industries and countries to solve the problem of today and tomorrow.

Cloud native solution. citypulsio© leverage accessible, scalable, and cost-effective solutions from the cloud. to offers efficient and scalable tools to gain rich geographic and spatial insights. While traditionally, location intelligence required substantial investment in specialized hardware and software, limiting its use to larger organizations. citypulsio platform offer robust geographic information system (GIS) tools and data storage solutions that are available on a subscription basis, lowering the entry barrier for small, medium-sized businesses to multi nationals.

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